Thursday, December 16, 2010

Real Love

It's Real Love when other people care about our happiness without any concern for themselves. They're not disappointed or angry when we make our foolish mistakes, when we don't do what they want, or even when we inconvenience them personally.

Sadly, few of us have either given or received that kind of love, and without it we experience a terrible void in our lives, which we try to fill with money, power, food, approval and entertainment. But no matter how much of those substitutes we acquire, we remain empty, alone, afraid, and angry, because the one thing we really need is Real Love. Without it, we can only be miserable; with it, our happiness is guaranteed.

We all search for love. We want it. We think it will make us whole. We think that we can finally be happy if we can find the love we desire.

© 2010 andysworld, all rights reserved.

Recipe for a Happy Day

Recipe for a Happy Day
(No calories to count in this one)

1 cup friendly words
2 heaping cups understanding
4 tsp. time and patience
Pinch of humour

Method for mixing:
Measure words carefully.
Add heaping cups of understanding.
Use generous amounts of time and patience.
Keep temperature low - DO NOT BOIL.
Add dash of humor and a warm personality.
Season to taste with spice of life.
Serve in individual molds.

Always be grateful for what you have,
and not resentful or angry about what
you may not have.

© 2010 andysworld, All rights reserved.